12|12 Monthly
Volume :- , Issue :- , Month :- Please Select , Year :- 2019
Print ISSN :- , Online ISSN :- 0973-9181
Research Journal


Author Guidelines

Globsyn Management Journal invites original contributions from both academicians and practitioners on various management, business, and organizational issues. The journal welcomes research-based papers on topics of current concern. Papers, based on theoretical or empirical research or experience, should illustrate the practical applicability and/or policy implications of the work described. Each paper is refereed. Submissions should indicate relevance and clarity. Empirical papers should have an appropriate methodology and be able to justify the use of the methodology to arrive at the findings besides relating their findings to the existing literature in this body of research. Methodological papers must attempt to show how they inspire further development and research. The Journal tries to maintain a balance between purely research-oriented papers, and those based purely on the experiences of practitioners involved in different areas of management

Editor Name Designation Affiliation Country State City Others
1 Prof. (Dr.) Sabyasachi Dasgupta Faculty & Head – Research & Publications Globsyn Business School India West Bengal Kolkata

Editorial Board Name Designation Affiliation Country State City Others
1 Dr. Dipak C Jain Co-President & Global Advisor China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) China Shanghai
2 Mr. Arjun Malhotra Chairman Evolko Inc India
3 Dr. Tridib Majumdar Professor of Marketing University, Syracuse USA
4 Dr. (Prof.) Mary Gentile Darden Business School, University of Virginia USA Virginia
5 Dr. Elizabeth Rose Professor & Chair (International Business) University of Leeds UK
6 Dr. Hiram Ting Associate Professor, UCSI University & Managing Editor Asian Journal of Business Research Malaysia
7 Dr. Trevor Williamson Director Elmfield House Associate Limited UK Cheshire
8 Dr. Alex Khang Professor Information Technology, Vietnam Universities Vietnam
9 Dr. Atul Parvatiyar Director and Professor Rawls College of Business, Texas Tech University USA
10 Dr. Azmat Rasul Assistant Professor Zayed University UAE Abu Dhabi
11 Dr. Soumik Parida Assistant Professor RMIT University Vietnam
12 Dr. Priya Grover Associate Professor Symbiosis International (Deemed University) India
13 Dr. (Prof.) Sanjoy Mukherjee Associate Professor IIM India Shillong

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