JIM - Journal of Information Management

JIM - Journal of Information Management , India
12|2 Half Yearly
Volume :- , Issue :- , Month :- Please Select , Year :- 2014
Print ISSN :- 2348-1765 , Online ISSN :- 2348-1773
Research Journal


JIM promotes research work among young library professionals, researchers, students and faculty members. JIM motivates them to carry out actual research work and publish their manuscripts. JIM is to provide a better platform to the LIS Professionals with new dimensions. JIM scope is restricted with Library & Information services.

Author Guidelines

(a) The manuscripts should normally not exceed 25 (A4 Size) pages, margin 1 inch in all sides including figures and tables, typed in 1.5 space in 12-point-preferably-in Times New Roman font. (b) Two hard copies of the article should be submitted followed by a soft copy of MS word of the same through e-mail. (c) The cover page of the article should contain: (i) Title of article (in bold) (ii) Name(s) of authors (iii) Professional affiliation (iv) Address of correspondence and Email Kindly note the authors name should not be mentioned in any other page. (d) The second page should contain (i) title of the article (Times New Romans 16, in bold) (ii) an abstract of the paper in about 200-250 words (Times Roman 12-point type, single spacing, in italics) (iii) keywords should be provided which encapsulate the principal topics of the paper (3 to 5 keywords). (e) The manuscripts should not contain footnotes. References should be placed at the end of the paper the arranged alphabetically. (f) References must be given in alphabetical order and typed on a separate page, single spaced, at the end of the paper. (g) All Figures (charts, diagrams and line drawings) and Plates (photographic images) should be submitted in electronic form. They should be of clear quality, in black and white and numbered consecutively. (h) Tables should be typed and included as part of the manuscript. They should not be submitted as graphic elements. (i) Mathematical expressions, figures and charts should be presented in a way that will be easily printable. Tables and diagrams should be numbered consecutively and the text. Source must be mentioned below the table. (j) Please check your manuscript for clarity, grammar, spellings, punctuation, and consistency of references to minimize changes. (k) The editorial team has the right to modify or edit the work in order to match the standard and style requirement of the journal. (l) References: The authors are requested to follow APA pattern for references and citations. Kindly visit: http://www.apastyle.org/


S.no. Name Designation Affiliation Country State City Others
1 Singh M P Department of Library & Information Science BBAU Lucknow India U.P. Lucknow mpsinghdlis@gmail.com

Editorial Board

S.no. Name Designation Affiliation Country State City Others
1 Tiwari, Charu Chandra Librarian Bipin Tripathi Kumaon Institute of Technology India Uttarakhand Dwarahat charu.ctiwari@gmail.com
2 Bihani, Sanjay Library and Information Officer Ministry of External Affairs India Delhi New Delhi sanjaykbihani@gmail.com
3 Bocanegra, Marisa Rico IIBI-UNAM, Ciudad Universitaria Mexico mricob@yahoo.com.mx, marisa@iibi.unam
4 Goria, Sunil Librarian Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University (A Central University) India U.P. Lucknow Vidya Vihar, Rae Bareli Road Lucknow – 226025
5 Dr. Yugal Joshi Information Scientist Kumaun University India Uttarakhand Nainital ycjoshi@yahoo.com
6 Bajaj, Asmita Department of English DSB Campus, Kumaun University India Uttarakhand Nainital asmitasahbajaj9@gmail.com
7 Dr. Subhash Chandra Central Library, M.J.P. Rohilkhand University India U.P. Bareilly s73chandra@rediffmail.com
8 Dr. Joginder Singh Department of Library & Information Science Kurukshetra University India Haryana Kurukshetra
9 Dr Manoj K Joshi Dept. of Library & Information Science Kurukshetra University India Haryana Kurukshetra manojkj01@yahoo.com
10 Ryes, Louise Ian T. De Los Department of Science and Technology Science and Technology Information Institute Philippines Taguig City louiseian.dlr@gmail.com, ian@mahlap.org
11 Singh, Rajesh Deputy Librarian University of Delhi India Delhi New Delhi rajeshzone29@gmail.com
12 Singh, Shakuntala Deputy Librarian Bareilly College India U.P. Bareilly shakuntlasingh014@gmail.com
13 Dr. Bhuwan Tiwari Political Science, Higher Education Department India Uttarakhand bhuwantiwari71@gmail.com
14 Semertzaki, Eva Bank of Greece, Centre for Culture, Research and Documentation Greece Athens esemertzaki@bankofgreece.gr
15 Steponaitiene, Jolita Information Resources Development Center, Martynas Mazvdas, National Library of Lithuania Lithuania j.steponaitiene@lnb.lt
16 Dr. Reetesh Sah HRDC, Kumaun University India Uttarakhand Nainital reeteshsah@gmail.com
17 Dr. Joginder Singh Dept. of Library & Information Science Kurukshetra University India Haryana Kurukshetra jsburman69@gmail.com
18 Ajay Kamble Vartak College India Maharashtra Vasai

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